Basic Configuration
This configuration adjusts the quality of video/audio recording or changes the schedule of the recording. The configured
values are applied to streaming which is transported to network client.
Figure 3.13. Record Configuration Screen
Select Camera
This item selects the camera to apply the changed configuration. The configurations of multiple cameras can be set by
clicking check box which is in first column of each row. The changed configurations are applied to all of the cameras
simultaneously when the check box of the first row which contains titles of each column is clicked. Untouched
configuration items are not applied to all of the cameras.
Record Property
This item selects a video resolution to use in the recording and streaming.
This item selects a video codec to use in the recording and the streaming. It is selectable between H.264 and MPEG4
codec. H.264 codec has better quality while H.264 consumes more cpu resources on using the same size of the data.
Frame Rate
This item decides the number of the frames per one second to use. The bigger its value is, the softer motion is. But the
quality is getting worse proportionally when higher frame is used in the same bit rate.
This item selects a predefined bit rate and a key frame interval. 1 is the best quality and the bigger value is, the worse
quality is. Even the same level of the quality is selected, the real quality can be different on the type of the IP camera,
and selectable ranges of the quality are different.
This item decides the quality of the video to record. The quality is specified by bit rate(bits per second). The higher bit
rates are, the bigger needed disk space is. The lower bit rates are, the lower quality of video is. But the quality of the
recording will not be much better above certain level.
Bit rate should be adjusted with considering the installed place or the quality of the connected IP camera. Noisy and