WESROC© RMS Satellite Repeater – User Manual
Metrotel Corporation of Minnesota, Inc.
Revision A. May 7, 2008
Page 6
Alarm Based Reporting
For transmitters with applications that the satellite repeater understands (i.e. can
interpret data, apply limits, apply algorithms, etc…), alarm based reporting can
be applied. For example, an alarm can be set for a temperature transmitter. If a
Wesroc® RMS packet is received from a temperature transmitter, then the
satellite repeater can apply limits to the reported temperature. If the reported
temperature goes above or below a preset limit, then a Globalstar simplex data
packet would be sent. Alarm events are reported when they happen with no time
of day restrictions.
Wesroc® RMS applications which the satellite repeater does not understand can
only be reported through the Globalstar® network using scheduled reporting.
Again, with it’s proprietary packet format, the satellite repeater will only receive
data packets from Wesroc® RMS transmitters.
Initialization Mode (or INIT mode)
In order to “associate” Wesroc RMS transmitters with the Satellite Repeater, the
Satellite Repeater must be “initialized” to these transmitters. While the Satellite
Repeater is in “INIT” mode, any init-mode packets that are received from
transmitters will cause the Satellite Repeater to link, or attach, to that transmitter.
This is so that during normal operation, the Satellite Repeater knows which
Wesroc® transmitters to pay attention to and which Wesroc® transmitters to
ignore. It also allows the Satellite Repeater to respond differently from one
transmitter to the next. For instance you may want daily reports from a water flow
sensor, but only weekly reports from a tank level sensor. Reporting is configured
separately for each transmitter.
The satellite repeater is placed in initialization mode by setting the initialization
mode timer to a non-zero value. (see satellite repeater configuration section of
this document). The initialization mode timer indicates time in minutes. When the
value of the initialization mode timer is set, it automatically begins to count down
to zero. While it is non-zero, the satellite repeater is in initialization mode. A
practical value for the initialization mode timer is 30 minutes.
While the satellite repeater is in initialization mode, initialization is accomplished
by placing the appropriate Wesroc® RMS transmitter in initialization mode. This
forces the transmitter to send “init-mode” packets. The satellite repeater
recognizes the init-mode packet and initializes or links to that transmitter. Once
initialization has taken place, both the satellite repeater and the transmitter may
be taken out of initialization mode. Initialization mode is confirmed by verifying
that the transmitters’ serial number and application appear in the initialized
transmitter configuration screen of the Wesroc® Portable Diagnostic Unit.