WESROC© RMS Satellite Repeater – User Manual
Metrotel Corporation of Minnesota, Inc.
Revision A. May 7, 2008
Page 10
Satellite Repeater Local Time and Date Screen
Screen three shows local time information. This information is derived from
Universal Coordinated Time as obtained by the Global Positioning System
receiver. This information will not be valid until the Satellite Repeater’s GPS
receiver has obtained a good position fix. Screen three shows:
1. Local Time in Hours:Minutes:Seconds format (24 hour). The time that
is displayed in quite accurate. However, it will be the time of day at the
time of the transmission from the Satellite Repeater to the PDU. For
example, if the Satellite Repeater does not send a packet for 10
minutes, the time will be 10 minutes old.
2. Local Date in Month/Day/Year format.
3. Local Day of the Week.
4. Local Time Zone.
5. Whether Daylight Savings Time is Enabled.
6. If Enabled, whether Daylight Savings Time is active.
To view the next screen, press the down button.