WESROC© RMS Satellite Repeater – User Manual
Metrotel Corporation of Minnesota, Inc.
Revision A. May 7, 2008
Page 17
Initialized Transmitter Configuration Screen
Initialized Transmitter Indicator
Initd Xmtr 1 of 2.
This entry indicates which transmitter the configuration screen is showing
information about. Only one set of transmitter configuration information items is
shown at any given time. In the example, information is shown about the first of
two transmitters. To look at a different transmitter, move the cursor to this entry
and press the right button. This sends a request to the Satellite Repeater to show
the next transmitter in the list. If the operation is successful, this line will show
“Initd Xmtr 2 of 2”. And the configuration information shown will be that for the
second transmitter.
The Satellite Repeater can handle up to sixteen transmitters. The transmitter in
entry #1 has a special purpose. It is permanently attached to the Satellite
Repeater itself. So setting the scheduled reporting for entry #1 will set the
scheduled reporting of the Satellite Repeater status packet. This packet includes
useful information like the GPS location of the Satellite Repeater, self-diagnostic
information, external power condition, etc…
Transmitter Configuration Information can be set for each of the Satellite
Repeater’s sixteen initialized transmitters independently. For example, the
satellite repeater itself can send scheduled informational packets only on the first
of the month. Where the satellite repeater can have a gas meter transmitter
initialized to it that can be configured to send packets one per day, or once per
week. Again, all configuration information for each initialized transmitter is
independent of the other initialized transmitters.