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If this is not the case we can test the component by comparison by building our own
Substrates are the base where we solder the component leads and pads.
We have a lot of different base materials and finitions (metallic or organic) on the market.
Preparation is essential for substrate testing, see annex A.
Metal or alloy with a melting point below 500 °C (soft soldering) generally based on tin with
addition of lead, silver, antimony, copper, etc.
The alloy is present like a bath or like a preform called globule. Alloys are defined in many
national or international standards.
Lead free
As the ST88 NEO is fully compatible with all type of alloys with melting temperature from
room temperature to 450 °C as standard (600°C by request), there is no limitation for lead
free alloys. No prematured ageing of the pot with any lead free alloy.
Don’t forget to input the right temperature and density to stay in the validity
domain of the
formulas !
The flux is a chemical compound applied on metallic surface to help the soldering. The fluxes
used in electronics are defined in many standards like synthetic, no clean, organic non rosin
based, organic…
The fluxes used as standard in solderability are colophony based collected from trees. We
define different type of activities by addition of an activator halided Ex type R Rosin non
activated, RMA Rosin middly activated and RA Rosin activated).
This chapter describes quickly the spirit of the different standards in use, for further
information, as these texts are protected by copyright; please refer to original text available
on the web (www.ipc.org, www.iec.ch, etc)
The operator can apply all these standards to any curve or batch of curves by a simple right
click on the graph area
NF 89400
This standard defines only the bath method.
The sanction is the value of the wetting angle obtained with the following test conditions :
Ageing : not mandatory