Technical Bulletin—TC-9100 Universal Controller
In both models the digital output pairs OCN3/OCN4 and OCN5/OCN6
can be configured as one of the digital (triac) output options mentioned
above for OCN1/OCN2. In addition, the digital outputs
OCN5/OCN6/OCN7 can be configured as a 3-speed fan controller, and
OCN7 has a special option as a “COMFORT” output signal when not
used in the 3-speed fan control option.
The output modules provide the interface between the output of a
programmable module and the hardware output. The status of the digital
(triac) outputs can be read by a supervisory system and can be switched
on and off directly by the supervisory system, overriding the output
module. Digital outputs are normally only controlled by a supervisory
system when not used in the controller configuration and provide a
convenient means of remote switching. Analog outputs cannot be read or
overridden by a supervisory system. However, the output of the
programmable module from which the output module receives its control
value may be read and overridden by a supervisory system (see
Programmable Modules Configuration
The analog output type is only configurable in output modules OCN1 and
OCN2 must be configured for 0 - 10 VDC.
(The option for a solenoid valve
driver module output is no longer used).
The analog hardware output for OCN1 has a special feature. There are in
fact two physical analog outputs that are labeled AO1a and AO1b. Only one
output can be active at one time and the other output will remain with a zero
output. These outputs are typically used in a heating/cooling application
with one controlled (process) variable, such as room temperature. AO1a is
used to control the heating equipment and AO1b is used to control the
cooling equipment, both of which directly influence the temperature
measured by the controlled (process) variable. In order to use this special
feature, the source control signal for OCN1 must come from a pair of
programmable modules configured as Algorithm 4 (heating/cooling PI
controller - single output). AO1a (heating) will be active when the first
module of the pair (loop 1) is active, and AO1b (cooling) will be active
when the second module of the pair (loop 2) is active. (See
Module Configuration – Algorithm 4
for details.)
If OCN1 is connected to a programmable module configured as an
Algorithm 2 or 6, only output AO1a will be active. If OCN1 is connected
to a programmable module configured as an Algorithm 7 to 13, only
output AO1b will be active.
Analog output OCN2 may be connected to any programmable module.
For all analog outputs, a range of 0 to 100% is assumed, where 0% gives
a zero output and 100% gives the maximum output (
10 VDC
). OCN1 and
OCN2 are not normally used with the on/off control algorithms 1, 3, and
5, since the output is either 0% or 100% and does not vary between these
two limits.
Analog Output
(0 to 10 VDC)