U.motion Client Touch 10 / 15
Technical Manual
: The users of U.motion Client Touch can be edited, but it is not possible to change their access
rights or to create completely new users. Since for the configuration and usage no further users on
client side are required, this minimalistic user management is enough for U.motion Client Touch.
C4. Administration area interface
The ADMINISTRATION is divided into the following sections:
Main menu of the software, shown as a tree-view. Through this menu all
sections of the software are accessible and objects can be created / modified /
The toolbar in the upper side of the ADMINISTRATION is always shown and
allows switching quickly to the mostly used functions through the related
Main area for showing the chosen configuration options; the single menus and
configuration windows of the objects are shown in here. It is possible to open
more menus / windows in the main area at the same time; the different menus /
windows will be accessible through different tabs in this case.
The following screenshot shows the single sections of the ADMINISTRATION area: