1. Lower the sonar sensitivity, also known as gain. Refer to the documents
included with your sonar display.
a. Change the sensitivity to an automatic setting.
b. If the automatic setting does not reduce sonar interference, manually
change the sensitivity to 55–65% of the maximum setting.
2. Verify that the transducer cable is not routed near any power cables.
3. Ensure that the positive (+) and negative (–) power cables are installed
next to each other. This helps cancel any EMI.
4. Inspect the transducer cable for damage, nicks, or cuts. Replace the
transducer cable if it is damaged.
5. Connect the sonar display to a separate accessory battery with only the
sonar display connected. This will verify if the interference is coming from
the power cables or the transducer cable.
a. If the interference stops when the sonar display is connected to a
separate accessory battery, inspect the boat wiring. Most likely, there
is a problem with the ground (–) connection. All devices should have a
common ground.
b. If the interference continues, it is likely coming from the transducer or
transducer cable.
6. Install a radio frequency (RF) choke onto the sonar display power cable.
7. Connect the sonar display to a different transducer.