Please read this manual carefully before operating your motor. This manual
has been prepared to assist you in the operation, safe use, and care of your
trolling motor.
Again, thank you for your confidence in MotorGuide.
Warranty Message
The product you have purchased comes with a
Three Year Limited Warranty
from MotorGuide, the terms of the policy are set forth in the
section of this manual. The policy statement contains a description
of the duration of coverage,
important disclaimers and limitations of
and other related information. Please review this important
The description and specifications contained herein were in effect at the time
this manual was approved for printing. MotorGuide, whose policy is one of
continued improvement, reserves the right to discontinue models at any time, to
change specifications, designs, methods, or procedures without notice and
without incurring obligation.
MotorGuide, Lowell, Michigan U.S.A.
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