Starting and Turning off the Engine
Starting Procedure at ambient
Temperature exceeding 50° F (1 0 °C )
Leave idle speed ad ju ste r knob in
norm al resting position (turned
clockw ise to the stop).
Turn key clockw ise to the stop to start
the engine. Release key after the
engine is running steadily.
Starting Procedure at ambient
Temperature between 32° F (0° C ) to
50° F (10° C)
Turn idle speed a d ju ste r knob
co unterclockw ise to the stop.
Turn key clockw ise to the stop to start
the engine. Release key after the
engine is running steadily.
A fter a sh o rt while or a driving
distance of approx. 0.25 m ile
(0.5 km), return idle speed adju ste r
knob to its norm al resting position
(turn clockw ise to stop).
Starting Procedure at ambient
Temperature lower than 32° F ( 0 ° C )
Turn idle speed a d ju ste r knob
co u n te rclo ckw ise to the stop. Turn
key clo ckw ise to the stop to start the
engine and depress acce le ra to r pedal
co m p le te ly w hile cranking.
A fte r a sh o rt w hile or a driving
distance of app ro x. 0.25 mile
(0.5 km), return idle speed a d ju ste r
knob to its norm al resting position
(turn clockw ise to stop).
Starting Procedure with hot Engine
Turn key in the steering lock c lo c k
wise to the stop. Do not actuate a cce
le ra to r and idle speed adjuster, knob
(turned clockw ise to the stop). Re
lease key after the engine is running
If the engine has not started after
a pprox. 30 seconds, d isco n tinu e the
starting p ro ce d u re and return key to
position “ 0” .
This need not be done if the engine
has started firin g . The sta rte r may
then be engaged even longer. Do not
exhaust battery.
A fte r an unsuccessful starting
attem pt, repeat the entire starting
O bserve the oil pressure gauge
im m e d ia te ly after starting the engine.
In a very cold engine the oil pressure
will only rise slowly, som e tim e after
the engine has started. Do not speed
up the engine before pressure is
registered on the pressure gauge.
The charge in d ica tor lig h t m ust go out
as soon as the engine has started.
Turning off
Turn key in steering lock to position
“ 0” and rem ove only when the vehicle
has stopped.
S hould the engine continue to operate
in steering lock position “ 0” , refer to
page 66.
W ith very high co o la nt te m peratures
(e. g. after d rivin g on steep inclines),
do not shut dow n the engine
im m e d ia te ly but allow to run at slightly
increased idle speed fo r another
1— 2 m inutes approxim ately.
Summary of Contents for 300 SD 1978
Page 1: ......
Page 2: ......
Page 3: ......
Page 7: ......
Page 8: ...Vehicle Operation...
Page 10: ...Instruments and Controls 9...
Page 12: ...Instrument Cluster FASTEN BELTS 9 0 3 9 11...
Page 33: ......
Page 34: ...Driving 33...
Page 46: ...Vehicle Care 45...
Page 52: ...Practical Hints 51...
Page 68: ...Technical Data Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc 67...
Page 79: ......