Measurement Technology NW
LCI-90 Operator Manual
Page 50
Remote Display Operation
For applications where data from a local LCI-90 needs to be displayed at another physical
location, there are two solutions available: use a second LCI-90, or use the LCI-90R dedi-
cated remote display.
A LCI-90 Local display can be configured to behave as a remote display in two different
ways. (1)
, or Active mode, described in Section 7.1, allows the operator to set up
the display through the menu. (2)
, or Blind mode, described in Section 7.2, only
allows configuration changes via ‘downloading’ from a Local unit, as described in §6.6.2.
In either mode the LCI-90 retains the ability to generate digital (alarm) and analog output.
Also operating in REM-B mode, the LCI-90R is a lower-cost, dedicated-function remote
display, which only accepts data from a LCI-90 via the network communications port and
has no provision for analog or digital output. The LCI-90R cannot be field upgraded to a
Remote displays receive their data from the network port. The data is sent using a flexible,
check-summed protocol (described in Section 6.6.4), which maintains the full accuracy of
the instrument. Although the data used by a Remote unit comes from a Local, the display
format is completely independent. Thus a Remote might show Payout on the top, while the
Local displays Tension. REM-A (Active) Remotes (those with buttons) can be configured
from the front panel, while REM-B (Blind or LCI-90R) Remotes can only be configured
from a Local (or by the Supplier).
Remote displays depend on a steady stream of data from the Local unit, hence if that stream
is interrupted for more than five (5) seconds, (for example the Local unit is powered down,
or the Network is disconnected), then the Remote will blank all display fields to prevent the
user from being misled by "stale" values. The bar-graph, on the other hand, remains
"frozen" at its last value, serving as a further clue that something is amiss. In addition,
REM-B units change the text at the bottom of the screen from "
" to
Active Remotes – REM-A
Active Remote displays (REM-A) are ideal for monitoring applications in which the user
wishes to configure the display (including the Alarm settings) in a manner that differs from
the Local unit. Setting up a REM-A display is completely straight-forward: simply use the
Keypad keys as described for the Local LCI-90, but be sure to set Item 1 of the
menu to
Connect the Network Ports of the Local and Remote (be sure to use the correct polarity!),
and the Remote unit’s display should immediately “come to life”. If the Remote does not
receive valid data within a 5-second time period, it will blank the display as described
above. If this should happen, first check the Network connection, then check that the unit
is actually set for REM-A operation.
Finally, while the main advantage of a REM-A display is that the user can control the “look
and feel”, such displays can also be quickly configured to look exactly like the Local simply
by setting Item 1 of the
menu to
and using the
menu item (which is only available on a Local unit). See §6.6.2 for
details. After this operation is complete, the display can be returned to the
mode of