Do this...
From this location...
Click the SiteAdvisor menu button and select Read
Site Details.
Click the SiteAdvisor button.
Click the safety icon following the web page link.
Search results page
Type a URL in the Look up site report box.
SiteAdvisor home page (
) or
Analysis page
Administrators customize policy settings
Administrators create SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus policies in the ePO Policy Catalog and assign
them to managed systems running the SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus client software. You can
assign the same policy settings to all managed systems, or to groups of managed systems that
perform similar tasks and require the same type of access and protection.
Configure policies in SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus to achieve the right level of browsing protection
for your users. Note that both the Authorize List and Prohibit List policies are multiple-instance
policies. These policies allow for a profile of settings through the application of multiple policies
under a single policy instance. This can be helpful if you want to apply a default list of sites,
and add entries for a particular group or all groups. Instead of updating the entire list with the
new entries, you can create a second policy instance for the new entries and apply it and the
default list together. The effective policy is then the combination of the two policy instances.
Authorize List
(A multiple-instance policy)
Create a list of sites that are approved for users to
Configure access to site resources, such as file
downloads and phishing pages, on approved sites.
Specify whether an Authorize list has precedence over
Prohibit lists.
Disable and then reenable the SiteAdvisor Enterprise
Plus client software for all ePO managed systems using
this policy.
Allow the disabling and reenabling of the SiteAdvisor
Enterprise Plus client software from the browser on
managed systems and configure whether or not this
functionality requires a password.
Create messages, which can include your own logo or
image, for users who attempt to access:
Enforcement Messaging
Blocked sites
Warned sites
Authorized sites
Prohibited sites
Phishing pages
File downloads
Event Tracking
Report on domain site visits.
Report on internal domain site visits.
Introducing SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus
Administrators customize policy settings
McAfee SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus 3.0 Product Guide