FIFE-500 MAX Narrow Web Guide
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READ ONLY MENU When security is enabled, options are
available to make menus “read only”, allowing an operator to
view the settings but not change them. This icon will appear
when the active menu is a
read only” menu.
DIGITAL INPUT COMMAND This icon appears when a valid
digital input command is present. Depending on the command,
some touch panel controls may be disabled during this time. A
red arrow in the down direction indicates digital input
influence is disabled. A red up arrow indicates the digital
outputs are disabled.
GUIDE POINT CHANGED This icon appears when a new
System Guidepoint has been applied. This icon will appear on
the status bar until the System Guidepoint remains unchanged
for approximately 20 seconds.
EXTERNAL LOCK This icon indicates the acceptance of the
“External Lock” digital input command. Automatic guide
movement is prohibited while in this state.
ASC ON Automatic Sensor Control (ASC) is enabled for the
current sensor mode. See the menu description for ASC for
more information about ASC operation.
ASC ACTIVE Automatic Sensor Control (ASC) is enabled and
the ASC state has been triggered. Automatic guide movement
is prohibited. See the menu description for ASC for more
information about ASC operation.
MOTOR BLOCKED This icon indicates the motor is blocked.
COMMUNICATION ERROR This error icon indicates
communication is not working between the operator screen
and the motor controller.
VOLTAGE ERROR This error icon appears when the input
voltage, motor rail voltage, or internal 12 volt power is outside
acceptable range.
MOTOR TYPE FAULT This icon appears when the motor type
is incorrect.
MOTOR HALL STATE FAULT This icon appears when a
problem is detected with the motor hall state transitions or the
encoder signals from the motor.