FIFE-500 MAX Narrow Web Guide
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3.2 Status Bar Definitions
The status bar located horizontally across the top of the FIFE-500 MAX Web Guide Operator
Level screen remains visible at all times. The number on the right side of the status bar
indicates a hierarchical screen number. The first numerical value indicates the operation
mode (1=Manual, 2=Servo-Center, 3=Automatic). The second alphabetic character indicates
the sensor mode (A=S1, B=S2, C=S1-S2). This screen number uniquely identifies each
screen of the FIFE-500 MAX Web Guiding System(Refer to Figure 2 status bar "1A"). The
status bar also displays various icons which are described below. You can view the
description of the icons by clicking on them when needed.
OPERATION MODE One of these icons will appear to indicate
the operation mode of the FIFE-500 MAX Web Guiding System.
SENSOR SELECTION One of these icons will appear to indicate
the currently selected sensor mode.
These are the icons of the horseshoe ultrasonic sensor. You
can select only the left or right sensor or both.
If you have
DLS-8 Sensor installed, then one of these icons
will appear in the status bar.You can select only the left or
right sensor or both.The icons can also show line edge or line
center status according to your calibration.
Indicates that the left sensor and the right sensor are in use at
the same time, and the current status of both is line edge.
Indicates that the current status of the left sensor is line edge.
Indicates that the current status of the right sensor is line
MENU TIMEOUT The menu screens in the FIFE-500 MAX Web
Guiding System close automatically after 3 minutes of touch
screen inactivity. The inactivity timeout option and the timeout
value are configurable. The clock icons will appear during
stages of the timeout process as the inactivity timer counts
down. If a timeout occurs, the respective menu will abort any
changes applied and return to the Operator Level screen. Some
service-related screens are immune from the timeout option
and are indicated by the presence of the orange clock icon.
LOGIN AUTHORIZATION LEVEL When security has been
configured, one of these icons will appear to indicate the
authorization level of the current user. Level 1 has the least
access while level 3 has the most. Security is disabled in the
factory default configuration so these icons will not be
displayed. All menu screens are accessible when security is