The MTX1 is a flexible USB development board for the Atmel ATxmega128a1 microcontroller.
Included is a MicroSD card slot, 32KB SPI SRAM, audio amplifier, lowside / relay driver, temperature
sensor, 4 buttons, 4 LEDs, and an onboard 1.25V precision reference for the ADC. This reference is
setup to work with the XMEGA errata. The XMEGA can be programmed over USB using the onboard
AVRISP mkII compatible PDI programmer. The XMEGA can communicate with a computer using the
onboard USB to serial bridge. Speeds up to 2Mbps are supported in synchronous mode (1Mbps in
asynchronous mode). The Atmel AT90USB162 USB AVR, which provides these features, will
automatically sleep when USB is disconnected. The board can be powered via USB or an external
header. Voltage is regulated by a 3.3V, 1A LDO regulator. There are several clock options available
onboard, including a 32.768KHz crystal, an external clock, an external HC49 crystal landing, and
several internal clock options. Most XMEGA pins are routed to headers. The included peripheral
devices are connected to the XMEGA via solder jumpers, which allows use of the pins if the device is
not used. A demo program is preinstalled on the XMEGA demonstrating use of each peripheral
device, as well as demonstrating sleep mode. Additionally, an Atmel Studio 6 ASF template is
provided. All software used on both the XMEGA and USB AVR is opensource.
MTX1 Features
Atmel XMEGA 128A1 (chip rev. H), 128KB flash, 8KB RAM
Onboard USB PDI programmer (no external programmer needed)
AVRISPmkII compatible
Program flash, EEPROM, fuses, lock bits, and more
Works with AVR Studio 4 and 5, Atmel Studio 6, AVRDUDE, Codevision, and BASCOM
USB Serial Bridge
Up to 2MHz baud rate (1MHz async)
Synchronous or asynchronous operation
Optional USB ready signal
3.3V, 1A LDO regulator
Powered via USB or external header
32.768KHz crystal connected to TOSC (RTC) pins
8MHz external clock available from USB AVR
HC49 crystal landing connected to XTAL pins
Most pins routed to headers (Port A through Port K)
Solder jumpers can be used to disconnect devices when not used (frees up header pin)
MicroSD card slot with pushpush spring action
32KB SPI SRAM chip
8 channel lowside / relay driver with kickback protection
Up to 70mA per channel
5V or 3.3V devices (relays, LCD backlights, etc.)
June 2, 2015