Next, select the Fuses page. It is best to leave the fuse settings alone until you understand
what they do. In particular, do not set the BOD (Brownout detection) voltage too close to 3.3V, as this
could cause the target to be held perpetually in reset. Due to errata, the BOD should not be enabled in
sampled mode when active or idle (BODACT). Sampled mode is OK for other sleep modes (BODPD).
Now you may wish to look at the other pages. Note that any firmware upgrade feature should
not be used. The MTX1 PDI Programmer is not an actual AVRISP mkII, it just emulates one, so you
should not attempt to update the MTX1 firmware using Atmel Studio. Any firmware updates will be
posted to the website and loaded using FLIP or dfuprogrammer.
June 2, 2015