3.3 PreVeNTaTiVe maiNTeNaNCe iNSTrUCTioNS
CHaPTer 3: PreVeNTaTiVe maiNTeNaNCe
In order to maximize life span, and minimize down time, all Matrix Fitness System's equipment requires regular cleaning, and maintenance items
performed on a scheduled basis. This section contains detailed instructions on how to perform these items and the frequency of which they
should be done. Some basic tools and supplies will be necessary to perform these tasks which include (but may not be limited to):
* Metric Allen wrenches
* #2 Phillips head screwdriver
* Adjustable wrench
* Teflon based spray lubricant such as "Super Lube" or other Matrix approved products.
* Vacuum cleaner with an extendable hose and crevasse tool attachment.
You may periodically see addendums to this document, as the Matrix Technical Support Team identifies items that require specific attention, the
latest version will always be available on the Matrix web site at www.matrixfitness.com.
daily maiNTeNaNCe iTemS
1) Check the unit for stability and adjust leveling feet if necessary.
2) Inspect the power cord, hand grip area, and emergency stop button and cord for damage.
moNTHly maiNTeNaNCe iTemS
1) Check the alignment of the running belt. It should be centered on the running deck. See Section 3.6 for instructions for aligning the belt.
2) Check the running belt for proper tension, adjust as needed (see Section 3.6).
If these is any damage to the running deck or belt, replace with new. If you have a new deck or flip a deck, it should always be
accompanied by a new running belt.
qUarTerly maiNTeNaNCe iTemS
1) Unplug the unit. Remove the motor cover and vacuum the entire inside area of the machine being careful not to bump any wires or
connections loose.
2) While the motor cover is off, inspect the drive belt for visible wear. Replace if any signs of damage.
3) While the motor cover is off, start the unit and raise incline settings to maximum height. Turn the power switch off at the front of the machine
to prevent it from lowering accidentally. Lubricate incline motor Acme screw (Matrix recommends Super Lube brand grease with PTFE additive).
bi-aNNUal maiNTeNaNCe iTemS
1) Remove any wax build up from the front and rear rollers of the machine using a plastic putty knife. DO NOT use any metal objects to scrape
the rollers as this can cause damage to the roller surface.
2) Inspect the underside of the running belt for damage, check for cracking or glazed surfaces.
3) During normal operating conditions, the running belt replacement and deck service should be done every 15,000 miles.