11.1 SofTWare UPGrade ProCedUre
* an ac power cord is required to update software in the field. Plug in the unit prior to beginning the update procedure.
** all plug ins must be removed prior to updating software (for example, no IPod can be connected). Do not use the console while an
update is in process.
*** If Va is installed on the console, wait until the Virtual active icon on the standard display picture turns red prior to updating the
2) Turn on the power and wait until the standard display picture has been come up (Figure A).
3) Wait until the Virtual Active icon turns RED. Insert the USB Drive into the USB port in the console (Figure B).
4) After a few seconds, the console will auto run the upgrade processing. The achieved percentage of the scheduled process will be displayed
in the bottom right corner of the display (Figure C).
5) When the update is complete, the display will ask you to remove the USB drive (Figure D). Once the USB drive is removed, turn off the
power and wait 30 seconds, then turn the power back on.
fiGUre a
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
fiGUre d
CHaPTer 11: SofTWare UPGrade GUide