9.11 iNCliNe moTor remoVal - CoNTiNUed
fiGUre e
fiGUre f
7) Remove the incline motor cable ground wire from the ground prong in the motor frame (Figure E).
8) Disconnect the incline motor from the top mounting bracket (Figure F).
9) Lift the incline motor away from the treadmill (Figure G).
10) Reverse Steps 1-9 to install a new incline motor.
When installing a new incline motor, make sure to replace the white nylon
washers at the top and bottom connection points of the incline motor (Figure H).
11) Test the treadmill for function as outlined in Section 9.21.
fiGUre G
fiGUre H
CHaPTer 9: ParT rePlaCemeNT GUide