9.4 rUNNiNG deCk rePlaCemeNT
1) Remove the motor cover as outlined in Section 9.1.
2) Remove the side rail as outlined in Section 9.3.
3) Remove the four running deck screws using a 5 mm Allen wrench (Figure A).
4) Remove the running deck from the running belt (Figures B & C).
5) Reverse Steps 1-4 to install a new running deck.
The running deck is waxed on both sides so the opposite side surface may be
usable. New deck surfaces must ALWAYS be matched to a new running belt.
6) Test the treadmill for function as outlined in Section 9.21.
fiGUre a
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
CHaPTer 9: ParT rePlaCemeNT GUide