P a g e
52 User Manual
Procedure for calibration of Measure Mode
First select the Input Type which to be calibrated.
For Better Calibration Input Range is divided into two sub ranges. So
For each input type, Calibration of both sub ranges need to done.
The Sub Ranges of each input type is given in the below table.
Input Type
Sub Ranges
Calibration Points
(0.000 to 24.000 mA)
1. 0.000 to 12.000 mA
ZERO: 1.000 mA
SPAN: 11.000 mA
2. 12.000 to 24.000 mA
ZERO: 13.000 mA
SPAN: 23.000 mA
(0.000 to 24.000 mA)
1. 0.000 to 12.000 mA
ZERO: 1.000 mA
SPAN: 11.000 mA
2. 12.000 to 24.000 mA
ZERO: 13.000 mA
SPAN: 23.000 mA
(0.00 to 250.00m V)
1. 0.00 to 125.00 mV
ZERO: 15.00 mV
SPAN: 110.00 mV
2. 125.00 mV to 250.00 mV
ZERO: 140.00 mV
SPAN: 235.00 mV
(0.000 to 30.000 V)
1. 0.000 to 15.000 V
ZERO: 1.000 V
SPAN: 14.000 V
2. 15.000 to 30.000 V
ZERO: 16.000 V
SPAN: 29.000 V
: It is not compulsory to calibrate at recommended points. User
can calibrate at any points within specified Sub Range. The Sub
Range is shown on the screen. But make sure to calibrate Zero &
Span in the same sub range.
Example: - Calibrating mA Input
To calibrate
ZERO for Sub Range #1,
Apply mA Input value near to Recommended Zero Value for Sub
Range 1 (for mA sub range 1 it is 1.000mA) from reliable source