Martin maxium & maxium Beamer Operating Instructions
V 2.0
Auto Macro
Like "Auto Micro", the "Auto Macro" current also offers an auto-stop function in addition to the auto-
start function. Here again, the coagulation process starts automatically after the bipolar instrument
(forceps) has touched the tissue, and it is stopped automatically in accordance with the cut-off cri-
teria defined under “Macro Stop” (see above).
Via "MENU"/"Setup"/"Automatic mode"/"Auto-start delay", you can set a delay period (0–5 sec-
onds) that must elapse before power is actually supplied to the active electrode after making con-
tact with the tissue.
This additional feature enables the surgeon to use a single instrument for dissection, thermal tissue
necrotization and hemostasis.
Never use the auto-start function in laparoscopic applications!
The reason for this is that accidental generator activation cannot be ruled out while the instru-
ment moves through the trocar. For safety reasons, therefore, the system always prompts the
user to confirm activation whenever an application program that uses this function is selected.
This also applies when one of the last-used application programs includes an auto-start cur-
rent, as may be offered by the maxium after switching it on.
Seal Safe
This current supports a fully automatic bipolar coagulation mode designed for sealing vessels or
fusing tissue layers using a bipolar clamp from Martin’s marClamp
series. The marClamp
Safe combination greatly facilitates the surgeon’s work by enabling electrosurgically-induced liga-
tures. The most prominent user benefits of this novel technique are substantial time savings along
with a significantly lower consumption of clips and suture material.
Endo Seal
This current is intended for the laparoscopic use of the Seal Safe technique, taking account of the
special conditions of laparoscopic applications (which are actually very different from those of an
open-surgical environment). "Endo Seal" has been specially designed for use with Martin’s "mar-
Lap Clamp" bipolar instrument.