Safety instructions for electrical drives
ECODRIVE DKC01.1/DKC11.1 Drive Controllers
Protection against magnetic and electromagnetic fields
during operation and assembly
Magnetic and electromagnetic fields near current-carrying conductors and
permanent magnets pose a serious health hazard for persons with pace-
makers, metal implants and hearing aids.
Health hazard for persons with pacemakers, metal
implants and hearing aids in the immediate vicinity
of electrical equipment.
Persons with pacemakers and metal implants must
not be permitted access to the following areas:
Areas in which electrical equipment and parts are
mounted, operated or put into operation.
Areas in which motor parts with permanent mag-
nets are stored, repaired or mounted.
If it becomes necessary for a person with a pace-
maker to enter such an area, this must be approved
by a physician beforehand.
Implanted pacemakers or those to be implanted have
a varying degrees of resistance to interference, mak-
ing it impossible to establish any general guidelines.
Persons with metal implants or metal splitters as well
as hearing aids should consult a physician before en-
tering such areas since they represent a health haz-
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