48-635 E3 Modulevel
Displacer Level Transmitter
2.6.3 Password Protection (Default = 0)
The E3 transmitter is password protected to restrict access
to certain portions of the menu structure that affect the
operation of the system. When the proper password is
entered, an exclamation point (!) appears as the last charac-
ter of the first line of the display. The password can be
changed to any numerical value up to 255. The password is
required whenever configuration values are changed.
The default password installed in the transmitter at the fac-
tory is 0 (password disabled). The last step in the configura-
tion menu provides the option to enter a new password. If
0 is entered as a password, the transmitter is no longer pass-
word protected and any value in the menu can be altered
(except factory diagnostic values) without entering a con-
firming password.
NOTE: If the password is not known, the menu item New Password
displays an encrypted value representing the present pass-
word. Call the factory with this encrypted value to determine
the actual password.
2.6.4 Calibration Defaults
The E3 MODULEVEL transmitter comes from the factory
already calibrated. The default configuration is set up such
that the level range is the length of the displacer with the
4 mA set point at the bottom of the range and the 20 mA
point at the top. Field calibration is not required, but each
unit must be configured for the process operating condi-
tions. Level measurement applications require that the
operating temperature and operating specific gravity be
entered via the keypad and LCD display. For Interface and
Density measurement applications, only the operating
temperature must be entered.
While not necessary nor recommended, the
E3 MODULEVEL can be calibrated in the actual process.
This is accomplished by selecting the User Calibration rather
than the Factory Calibration. Once in the User Calibration,
liquid level can be moved to the low and high calibration
points and the sensor values for the low and high calibration
points can be captured. See procedure on page 36.
2.6.5 Menu: Step-By-Step Procedure
The following table provides a complete explanation of the
software menus displayed by the E3 transmitter. Use this
table as a step-by-step guide to configure the transmitter.
The second column presents the menus shown on the
transmitter display. The displays are in the order they would
appear if the arrow keys were used to scroll through the menu.