Appendix 4. GPD 205 SPARE PARTS
MagneTek does not offer spare parts for the GPD 205. Because of the compact size
of the drive and the inherent difficulty of properly installing replacement parts,
MagneTek recomends changing out the complete drive unit if troubleshooting
determines that it is defective.
A MagneTek authorized repair shop may be able to attempt repair of a defective
drive, but this would necessitate longer down-time.
When changing out a drive unit, make sure that any of the following separately priced
options are transfered to the replacement unit, unless they are already present on
the replacement unit.
– Attached to control terminals:
• Auxiliary Potentiometer Card
– Attached to heat sink:
• Din Rail Mount
NOTE: If the defective GPD 205 has Modbus RTU interface (a factory installed
option), the replacement GPD 205 must also have the interface factory installed.
for more: efesotomasyon - Yaskawa drive