Speed over the ground.
C-E Vector.
Average Speed
Average speed calculated based on the speed over
the ground.
Maximum Speed
Maximum speed over the ground.
Velocity to Destination
The speed with which you are approaching your
destination waypoint, also known as VMG (Velocity
Made Good).
C-F Vector.
Drift Speed
The speed with which your vessel is drifting relative
to the destination waypoint.
C-G Vector.
The letter R (Right) or L (Left) indicates the direction
your vessel is drifting.
The angle formed by the course direction and
reference North. This angle is referenced with
respect to magnetic or true north depending on the
reference north chosen.
Angle, in degrees, between your current position
and the position of the destination waypoint. This
angle is referenced with respect to magnetic or true
north depending on the reference north chosen.
Course Correction
The correction to be made to the course in order to
navigate to the destination waypoint.
The letter R (Right) or L (Left) indicates the direction
of the course correction to be made.
Time to Go
Estimated amount of time it will take to reach the
destination waypoint.
Time to Go Last Waypoint
Estimated amount of time it will take to reach the
last waypoint on the active route.
Trip Time
Length of time traveling since the last time the
counter was reset to zero.
Arrival Time
Estimated time at which the vessel is expected to
reach your destination waypoint.
Arrival Time to Last Waypoint
Estimated time at which the vessel is expected to
reach the last waypoint on the active route.
UTC Time
Universal Time.
Local Time
Universal Time +/- time difference for the time zone
in which you are located.