Version 2.0 and 2.3:
*hh: Sentence checksum
RMB: Minimal information for navigation
Version 1.5 and 2.0
$GPRMB, A/V, 0.00,R, W- -W, C- -C, 4710.699,N, 00117.697,W, 001.3, 269.0,
000.0, A/V *hh
Version 2.3
$GPRMB, A/V, 0.00,R, W- -W, C- -C, 4710.699,N, 00117.697,W, 001.3, 269.0,
000.0, A/V, a *hh
A/V: Valid data = A, invalid = V
0.00,R: Cross track error (XTE) limited to 9.99 NM
4710.699,N, 00117.697,W: Latitude and longitude of the destination fix in
thousandths of a minute
001.3: Distance to the destination limited to 999.9 NM
269.0: Azimuth toward the destination in degrees
000.0: Final speed to the destination in knots
A/V: Arrival circle entered or perpendicular passed at waypoint
*hh: Sentence checksum
Version 1.5:
W- -W: Identification of the original waypoint, in 4 letters
C- -C: Waypoint identification in 4 letters
Version 2.0:
W- -W: Identification of the original waypoint, in 6 letters
C- -C: Waypoint identification in 6 letters
Version 2.3:
W- -W: Identification of the original waypoint, in 6 letters
C- -C: Waypoint identification in 6 letters
a: Indication of the functioning mode of the DGPS
A= Autonomous
D= Non valid data
According to the NMEA standard, the RMB and RMC sentences must be
transmitted simultaneously
RMC: Recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data
Version 1.5 and 2.0
$GPRMC, 070206, A/V, 4710.756,N, 00115.580,W, 000.0, 134, 080498, 000,W