XTE: Cross track error
Version 1.5
$GPXTE, A/V, A/V, 0.00,L,N
Version 2.0
$GPXTE, A/V, A/V, 0.00,L,N *hh
Version 2.3
$GPXTE, A/V, A/V, 0.00,L,N,a *hh
A/V: Valid fix = A; invalid = V
A/V: Valid fix = A; invalid = V
0.00,L,N: Cross track error in NM with R/L direction: L = port, R = starboard
Version 2.0:
*hh: Sentence checksum
Version 2.3
a: Indication of the functioning mode of the DGPS
A= Autonomous
D= Non valid data
*hh: Sentence checksum
ZDA: Date and time
Version 1.5
$GPZDA, 070252, 08, 04, 1998, XX
Version 2.0 and Version 2.3
$GPZDA, 070252, 08, 04, 1998, XX, YY*hh
070252: UTC Time
08: UTC day
04: UTC month
1998: UTC year
XX: Designation of the time in the local zone from 00 to +/- 13 hours
Version 2.0 and version 2.3:
YY: Designation of minutes in the local zone
*hh: Sentence checksum
ZTG: UTC and time remaining to destination waypoint
Version 1.5
$GPZTG, 153252, HHmm00, C- -C
Version 2.0 and Version 2.3
$GPZTG, 153252, HHmm00, C- -C*hh
153252: UTC time