Lynx Mixer Reference
AES16 User Manual
18. Volume Faders
Controls digital attenuation of the audio being
played or monitored. This control acts on the
digital signals before D/A conversion.
With the volume fader at its maximum
position, the vertical line within the fader
turns black, no volume calculation is
performed and the audio stream is unaltered.
This is the recommendedposition for critical
recording and mixdown sessions in which the
highest signal quality is required.
When the volume fader is not at its maximum
or minimum position, the vertical line within
the fader turns red to indicate that the volume
control is active.
Volume Faders and Signal Quality
The faders in the Lynx Mixer perform digital
attenuation on audio signals in the digital
domain. The attenuation is applied to the
digitized signals just prior to the D/A
As with any digital signal processing function,
the digital attenuation calculations used by the
AES16 can introduce arithmetic errors that
can add small amounts of noise to signals.
To insure the highest signal quality it is highly
recommended that the faders be left in their
maximum position during critical recording
and playback. In this position, no attenuation
calculations are performed.
19. Peak Meters
Displays the instantaneous level of the audio being played or monitored.
20. Mute
Enables a mute function for each associated output.
21. Output Dither
Enables the addition of triangular probability
density dither for each
associated output. Dither is recommended
when more than one source is driving an
output or when the volume fader is not at its