This mode offers to you to cross fade between two sources. Ideal in a situation where you need to cross
fade between a lighting desk and a media server, the control channel allows you to keep full control on the
speed and smoothness of the transition.
From the X-Fade panel, you can define the control channel, the protocol and universe number, and the IP
address of the control source. Click on the gearwheel icon to change these parameters.
When the control channel is at zero, source one is in full control, when the control channel is at full, source
two is in full control.
Patch, Master/Limit and startup buffer options are available for this mode.
The red warning triangle is a warning that the process engine cannot be configured without a X-Fade
control source. This is to indicate that the control source has not been configured yet for the X-Fade. As
soon as the control source has been configured this triangle will disappear.
Patch, Master/Limit and startup buffer options are available for this mode.
The switch functionality provides you with an easy to use tool to remotely select within up to four inputs,
which input can control your rig. By sending different values for the switch channel, you’ll be able to select
the relevant input. The switching between inputs does not include any crossfade.
From the switch panel, you can define the switching channel, the protocol and universe number, and the IP
address of the control source. Click on the gearwheel icon to change these parameters.
The red warning triangle is a warning that the process engine cannot be configured without a Switch
control source. This is to indicate that the control source has not been configured yet for the Switch. As
soon as the control source has been configured this triangle will disappear.
Patch, Master/Limit and startup buffer options are available for this mode.
Control channel mapping:
000 - 007
Do Nothing/Idle (current active source stays active)
008 - 015
Input 1
016 - 023
Input 2
024 - 031
Input 3
032 - 039
Input 4
040 - 247
Future use
248 - 255
Do Nothing/Idle (current active source stays active)
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