A process engine supports the following inputs:
Any Art-Net controller can be used as an input for the process engine. The LumiCore supports all Art-Net
revisions, including Art-Net IV.
Tick the box to select Art-Net as an input protocol.
Here you can add the universe number you wish to use, and you can specify the IP address of the source.
If you leave the source IP field any source in the network outputting this universe will be used. The
LumiCore process engine will bind this input to the first source using this universe number.
For a better identification of the source, you can add a text to your Art-Net input.
Advanced settings:
Next to the Source IP field you find a cog wheel for advanced settings:
Accept Own Data. In some cases, it is required to ignore the Art-Net data generated by the LumiCore
itself. When disabled the LumiCore will only listen to other sources in the network.
By default, the Accept Own Data is enabled.
Any sACN controller can be used as an input for the process engine.
Tick the box to select sACN as an input protocol.
Here you can add the universe number you wish to use, and you can specify the IP address of the source.
If you leave the source IP field any source in the network outputting this universe will be used. The
LumiCore process engine will bind this input to the first source using this universe number.
For a better identification of the source, you can add a text to your sACN input.
Advanced settings:
Next to the Source IP field you find a cog wheel for advanced settings:
Per-channel Priority Mode.
To better handle multiple source control scenarios, the 0xDD sACN start
code has been introduced to allow setting a source priority for each channel of a universe.
The following rules apply:
If all sources have the same priority HTP will be applied.
If for a source the 0xDD packet is not available, the standard universe priority is being used.
The number of sources is unlimited.
6 | lUmICore In DetaIl