The LumiCore series is a new range of network converter, inheriting more than a decade of experience from
the Luminex Ethernet-DMX converter design and manufactoring.
In the past, most of the people were designing their system according to the number of universes and DMX
ports they would need on their lighting control system.
But today, with the ever-increasing number of lighting-controlled devices fitted with an Ethernet port, there
is a need for more processing power and data handling flexibility. This is where the LumiCore series steps
Instead of assigning universes to a port, the user can now select any incoming data, handle it the way they
need, and send it back to the network, or to a DMX port. All the data handling will be powered by process
6.1 What is a process engine?
A process engine is an entity within the LumiCore firmware, accepting up to four inputs, and which can
send it to up to four different outputs. Additionally, remote interaction and control can be applied to the
process engine, via specific control channels.
6. LumiCore in detail
6. LumiCore in detail