Covering Calls
If you want to ...
Have a co-worker answer your calls.
Answer all of a co-worker’s calls from your telephone.
Stop your calls from being covered by others.
Stop your outside calls from going to your company’s
voice mail system (or send calls to voice mail).
Forward your calls to another telephone.
Answer your calls from another extension.
Answer a call ringing at a co-worker’s extension.
Answer a call on a line that’s not on your phone.
Put a call on hold at a busy extension until your
If your phone system doesn’t have voice mail,
co-worker is ready for it or complete a transfer to an
extension that doesn’t answer.
Hold a call when you’re trying to transfer it and your
co-worker doesn’t answer; page your co-worker while
the call waits.
Let a co-worker know you called.
Find out if you have a voice mail message, fax, or
other message.
Signal a co-worker to contact you.
Choose a message to leave for co-workers who have
display phones.
Reach a voice mailbox without calling the person.
Prevent interruptions by blocking calls to your phone.
Prevent co-workers from joining your calls.
Remind yourself of appointments.
Feature Finder
R3 TransTlk pp 3-14
4/14/97, 1:09 PM