Lucent Technologies Galaxy Power System 4804AP H569-450
13 - 12 Troubleshooting Preparations
Issue 1 June 2000
Reference Figures, continued
Low Voltage Load
The low voltage load disconnect (LVLD) contactor control is available
in the Alarm card (Refer Section 8 of the manual). The Alarm Card is
mounted on the left side of the cabinet, as shown in Figure 13-10.
The manual contactor control switch (S4 & DIP Switch S7, Switch 1) is
not meant to be used to permanently override the LVLD function. It is
only to be used temporarily while servicing or testing the equipment.
Switch S1 is used to disconnect the load. It is to be used during servic-
ing or for emergency disconnection of the loads.
Figure 13-10: Low Voltage Load Disconnect Contactor Control Switches