Custom CentreVu
Advocate Solutions
CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Planning Your Call Center—CentreVu Advocate with EAS
Call Center
In general, call selection and agent selection algorithms are paired to
work together: An example is administering a call center to match the
most qualified agent with the call that agent is best able to handle. The
call selection method you would choose is the Skill Level agent call
handling preference to select the call that the agent is most qualified to
handle; that is, a call from the agent’s highest-level skill.
You would use the Expert Agent Distribution-Most Idle Agent (EAD-MIA)
or the Expert Agent Distribution-Least Occupied Agent (EAD-LOA) agent
selection method to select the most qualified agent for the call. Either of
these methods would select the most available, most qualified (that is,
highest level agent in that skill) to handle the call. EAD-LOA, in particular,
would spread the call selection among agents at each skill level more
evenly by selecting the highest-skill level available agent who is the least
occupied overall, and not necessarily the agent who was the first to hang
up from a previous call. The combinations that are most effective are:
EAD-MIA or EAD-LOA with Skill Level call handling preference
UCD-MIA or UCD-LOA with Greatest Need call handling preference
UCD-LOA with Percent Allocation call handling preference.
The result of administering a call center in this manner is that calls
waiting in queue for certain skills are answered faster and the work is
spread more evenly among agents assigned to the skills at equal skill