Custom CentreVu
Advocate Solutions
CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Call and Agent Selection
Call and Agent Selection
You need to understand the concepts of call and agent selection before
administering custom
CentreVu Advocate solutions for your call center.
This section describes how calls and agents are selected using EAS.
Call Selection
Call selection is the selection of a call when an agent becomes available
and one or more of the agent’s assigned skills is in a call surplus
condition. The components of call selection that you will need to
understand before implementing custom
CentreVu Advocate solutions
are described here:
If any skills are in an overload state, then the skill with the highest
priority, oldest call waiting for the overload 2 state is selected, and if
there are none in overload 2, the call with the same criteria in an
overload 1 skill is selected.
If no skills are in an overload state, then multiple agents may be
available for calls, and calls will be selected based on the call
handling preference administered to an agent as follows:
1. Greatest Need: Greatest Need will select a skill for an agent
based on the call at the highest priority that has been waiting in
queue for a skill the longest (the call with the “greatest need”).
2. Skill Level: Skill Level will select a skill for an agent based on
the agent’s skill level, with the highest-level skill being selected
first for the oldest call in queue at the highest priority.
3. Percent Allocation: Percent Allocation will select a skill for
an agent based on what will best match an agent’s
administered percent for all skills.
Once a skill is selected using the above methods, the call selected within
the skill is the highest priority, oldest call waiting.
Service Objective
Service Objective works in conjunction with the Greatest Need and Skill
Level call handling preferences. It selects skills for agents as they
become available based on how far along each skill is in exceeding its
service objective (Acceptable Service Level - ASL), within which calls
must be answered. The
ECS will determine which skill has
either the highest current wait time or the highest predicted wait time,
compared to the acceptable service level and which skill is the greatest
percentage over its administered service level. The skill that best fits