Tascam GigaStudio 3.04 Supplement Sheet Download Page 1

TASCAM GigaStudio 


 Known Issues



 Known Issues


• GS


 and GS


 cannot be installed on the 

same machine.

• The 



 performance file contains many 

new parameters not found in GS


.  If you 

open any GS


 performances in GS


, save the 



 versions separately – do not overwrite 

the GS


 versions unless you have them 

backed up.


Performance files do not restore correctly 
when saved while a DSP Station channel 
is solo’d.  Clear all solos before saving a 


DSP Station Insert FX must be added/re-
moved in order – it is only possible to remove 
the most recently loaded FX.


DSP Station Dynamics & EQ channel strip 
FX produce a small click when enabled/dis-
abled and their settings are modifying the 
signal’s gain.


If a stacked instrument .gsi file is loaded 
that contains instruments that are already 
loaded, they will be in the wrong stack or-


GSI performances built when the entire Giga-
Piano-II .gig file is loaded, load with extra 
instances of GigaPulse.  The workaround 
is to load the individual instrument from 
within the GigaPiano-II .gig file and build 
your .gsi performance from that.


In order for the correct sound to always be 
heard on FX coupled instruments (GigaPulse 
encoded instruments), the ability to bypass 
FX in the MIDI Mixer is currently disabled.  
This is in contradiction to the FX button 
behavior noted in the GS




Do not use “Save as…” on a GigaPulse encoded 
instrument from the GigaStudio Instrument 
Editor.  Doing so may cause the instrument 
to be unplayable.


You may notice that the MIDI Mixer meters 
stick on when GigaPiano-II is loaded but 
not being played. GigaPiano-II has a sample 
that is triggered for damper OFF (D#8) and 
a different one for damper ON (D8).  It only 
sends the note off for the opposite sample 
when the damper is pressed or released, so 
effectively there is always a note ON.


DSP Station channel strip dynamics are not 
available on non-SSE processors.


DSP Station channel strip EQs are not avail-
able on non-SSE processors.


Do not change hardware buffer settings 
while GigaStudio is playing audio.  Doing 
so may crash GigaStudio.


Sometimes instruments within a Gig file 
appear in the wrong order.  The workaround 
is to rebuild the QuickSound database.


If convolution encoded instrument is copied 
onto a GS


 system without its associated 

.gx99 file, a “No Banks Found” error mes-
sage will be displayed upon loading the 
instrument.  Always be sure to keep .gx99 
files together with their .gig files.

GigaStudio 3 Application

Following are known issues at the time of GigaStudio 


 shipping that you may run into:
