Important Tips
Always fill your tires at ambient temperature. Ambient temperature is between 0
(32 F) and 40
(104 F).
Filling of tires should occur while the tires are cold (e.g., in the morning). Filling the
tires after they have sat in the hot sun will cause the system to give false alerts.
For example
: Tires that are set at a 35-psi pressure on a 70+ degree afternoon
can show a lo ss of 8 to 12% air pressure on a cold 40 degree morning.
This could be just enough to cause the monitor to send out an alert of
low pressure. The pressure for that temperature is actually low and the
tires could be filled to the desired pressure. However, in extreme heat
the tire's pressure will increase and could be higher than what your tire
Look at the motorcycle manufacturer's suggested pressures in your owner's
manual or contact your motorcycle dealer for more information.
When riding your motorcycle you will notice that your air pressure increases a bit as
you drive. It is not uncommon to see an 8 to 12% increase in tire pressure with
normal driving.
Leaning into a lot of excessive turns could cause the air pressure to increase even