Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!
Q. Why is it that when I start my motorcycle I get dash lines in the monitor for a while and
then the pressures show up?
A. You have wired your monitor to a switched 12-volt power supply and the monitor
comes on with the motorcycle. When this happens the monitor will have to receive a
new reading from the sensors in order to display the proper information. The sensors
only send a signal every 6 minutes. Thus, it will depend on when the last radio
frequency (
) signal was sent compared to when the power was turned on as to
how long it will take to have a new reading. It should not take more than 7 minutes
to receive the proper update.
Q. When riding my motorcycle I occasionally see the 3 dashes (---) appear. Do I have a
problem with my system?
A. No. The signal that is transmitted is a RF signal and is much like a cell-phone signal.
The FCC requires us to allow all other RF signals to interfere with our signals and this
can cause the monitor to occasionally miss a transmission from the sensors. If this
persists then you could have a damaged sensor or the batteries could be weak.
Q. Do I have to install the remote LED warning light for the system to operate properly?
A. No. The LED warning light is an optional method of warning the driver of an alert. The
user can hide the monitor and still be notified by the Red LED light. It can be used
together with the monitor for additional visual warnings for the driver.
Q. Do I have to install the sensors on the inside of my wheels?
A. No. You can install the sensors on the exterior of the factory valve stem. Be sure to
test that the sensors will clear all of the components around the wheel before riding
the motorcycle. A lot of people start out with the sensors on the outside of the
wheels and then when they purchase new tires they have the sensors installed on
the inside of the wheels. It is your choice.
Q. I have too much wire left over after I have routed my LED warning light to where I
wanted it. Can I cut the wire and re-attach the ends?
A. Yes. The wire has a tracer on one side so you can be sure to re-attach the wires
properly. We suggest that you solder the wires back together when you have figured the
proper length that you need and use shrink-tube to re-seal the wire from the moisture and
the elements that you may encounter on the road.