Ethernet Troubleshooting
Verify the green link LED on the Ethernet jack is illuminated. If the LED is dark there is likely cabling issue (broken and disconnected) or equipment issue
(network switch or router malfunctioning or powered off).
If the green link LED on the Ethernet jack is illuminated and you can’t connect to the device, the Agility network settings are likely misconfigured. A
misconfigured Ethernet device (not just Agility but any networkable device) can conflict with other devices and/or cause an entire network to malfunction.
Before attempting to alter the Ethernet settings you should have a firm understanding of how networks function and how each setting affects the network. It is
beyond the scope of the document to provide the required documentation or training for this complicated topic. If you are unfamiliar with network
configuration, have a network professional or IT department configure this device.
Verify if another device is misconfigured and is corrupting the Ethernet network. For example, a newly-installed web-camera was improperly configured with
the same IP address as the Agility Controller, resulting in an address conflict. The symptoms include intermittent and/or no connectivity.
Try resetting the Agility network configuration (see Restoring Default Settings below) and carefully reconfiguring it.
Restoring Default Settings
To restore default settings to the Agility Controller, install the OPT jumper over both pins and set DIP switches 8 On, switch 7 Off. DIP switches 1-6 determine
type of operation as follows:
1) Set switches 1-6 On to set Factory Default Setting. This will reset all setpoints and the WiFi configuration back to factory defaults. This will not reset the
Ethernet IP address and netmask (see below).
2) Set switch 1 Off, switches 2-6 On to clear all analog sensor calibrations.
3) Set switches 1 and 3 Off, switches 2, 4-6 On to set default WiFi (SSID name and password) and Ethernet (IP Address, Netmask and Gateway) network
Once the DIP switches are set, reset the Agility Controller and wait a minimum 15 seconds before setting DIP switches back off. Default Settings have now been