P layable D isc types
D isc inform ation
Video System (N TSC & PAL)
This D VD -R ecorder supports both N TSC &PAL system .
A spect R atio
4:3 (Letter Box) Standard
4:3 Pan&Scan
(W ide-Screen)
O thers
Audio : Appears at the beginning of a scene record w ith
m ultiple audio languages.
Subtitle : Appears at the beginning of a scene recorded
w ith m ultiple subtitle languages.
Angle: Appears at the beginning of a scene recorded
from m ultiple angles.
All W rite Technology (LVW -5006 m odel only)
“ALL W R ITE”technology m akes it alright to record on alm ost
all of the recordable discs. (D VD +R W , D VD +R , D VD -R W ,
D VD -R , C D -R W or C D -R discs)
The D VD -Video/D VD +R W /D VD +R / Logos are tradem arks of the
respective com panys.
For best result use discs w ith the above logos and that conform to
specifications. The unit cannot play other discs correctly. D o not
use irregular shaped discs (e.g. heart-shaped), as these can
dam age the unit.
It m ay not be possible to play C D -R , C D -R W , D VD -R , D VD -R W ,
D VD +R , D VD +R W in all cases due to the type of disc or condition
of the recording.
U nplayable disc types
The unit does not playback discs listed below . If you try to play
back these discs, excessive noise m ay cause dam age to
1) U nfinalized discs from other D VD -R ecorder.
2) D VD -R O M , D VD AU D IO , C D -R O M , PH O TO C D , SAC D
3) D VD -R AM , D VD -VR form at
R egion C ode ofDVD -Video
This unit can playback D VD -VID EO discs com patible w ith
the region code is printed on the rear of the unit.
Exam ples of playable D VD -VID EO discs:
N otes:
Audio System
D olby D igital Linear PC M
D TS (D igital Theater System s)
R ecordable D isc types
D isc Types
C haracteristics
This unit can playback D VD -Video discs and the
region code is printed on the rear of the unit.
D VD ¡—R, D VD ¡—RW and D VD ¡ˇR, D VD ¡ˇRW ,discs
w ritten in the D VD -Video form at and finalized.
Video C D
(VC D )
Super Video C D
(SVC D )
Video w ith C D sound, VH S quality & M PEG -1
com pression technology.
Audio C D (C D -D A)
C D is recorded as a D igital Signal w ith betteraudio
quality, less distortion and less deterioration of audio
quality over tim e.
C D -R/RW (JPEG /M P3)
This unit can play C D -R and C D -RW discs recorded
w ith Audio C D or Video C D form at, or w ith
JPEG /M P3 files. C lose the sessions or finalize the
disc after recording.
D isc Types
C haracteristics
D VD ¡ˇR disc w ritten in the D VD ¡ˇVR form at.
D VD ¡ˇRW disc w ritten in the D VD ¡ˇVR form at.
(LV W -5006 m odel only)
D VD ¡—R disc w ritten in the D VD ¡ˇVR form at.
D VD ¡—RW disc w ritten in the D VD ¡ˇVR form at.
C D ¡—R/RW
(LV W -5006 m odel only)
C D ¡—R/C D ¡—RW disc w ritten in the M PEG 1 or
M PEG 2 video form at or w ritten in PC M Audio m ode.
“D VD D ual” & “All W rite”
(LV W -5006 m odel only)
“D VD D ual” -- W ritten on both D VD ¡ˇR/D VD ¡ˇRW /
D VD ¡—R/D VD ¡—RW disc.
“All W rite” – W ritten on all recordable D VD disc and
C D ¡—R/C D -RW disc.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com