Particularly In conjunction with a bed extension, there is a danger of entrapment
between the extension and the floor and of the head / foot section lying on the floor.
It is essential that the patient surface is moved to an appropriate height before every
adjustment of the bed. The same applies when a linen holder is used!
Comfort seating position (CS)
The adjustment is made via the corresponding buttons of the handset.
Legs up position (LU)
The adjustment is made via the corresponding buttons of the handset.
If the comfort bed is operated in institutions with medical supervision, the comfort
seating and legs up position may only be released by medical personnel or only “un-
der medical supervision” for safety reasons. The handset keys are released via the
safety key! A Trendelenburg position is not required due to the intended use.
Without the release via the safety key, no individual functions for the comfort sea-
ting adjustment and for the legs up position are possible, for reasons of safety. Sin-
ce these positions may only be performed under „medical supervision“ (e.g. by a
nurse), it is essential to ensure that the safety key is not kept in the vicinity of the
resident. We recommend that the key is kept on the key ring of the nursing staff so
that it is quickly at hand if required.
Thanks to the automatic locking system, the bed is prevented from hitting the floor
when the ‚legs up position (LU)‘ or ‘comfort sitting position (CS)’ function is app-
lied. When applying the LU or CS function in low position, the bed is brought to a
certain minimum height before adjustment. The bed stops automatically before
hitting the floor.