Biceps Curl Dependent (SS-BCD)
Muscles Used:
Adjust the seat height so backs of arms rest fully on arm pad, aligning elbows with machines
pivot. Check the weight stack to ensure appropriate resistance. Rotate handle forward and
grip firmly. Body is positioned with chest up and shoulder back, leaning forward slightly if
necessary to increase stability.
Grip the handles with palms up. Arms should be straight. Curl the handles up toward your
upper arm, while keeping your elbows on the pad and aligned with the pivot point. Hold the
handle briefly at the top of the exercise and slowly return the bar to the start position.
Product Dimensions
Size (L x W x H):
in. = 55 x 39.6 x 58.1
cm = 139.7 x 100.6 x 148
Live Area (L x W x H):
in. = 77 x 57.6 x 82.7
cm = 195.6 x 146.3 x 210
Machine Weight:
541 lbs.
245 kg
Base Weight Stack:
167.5 lbs. with one 7.5 lb. increment
84 kg with one 3.7 kg increment
Standard Weight Stack:
170 lbs. with two 5 lb. increments
85 kg with two 2.5 kg increments
Heavy Weight Stack:
200 lbs. with two 5 lb. increments
100 kg with two 2.5 kg increments
Maximum User Weight:
300 lbs.
136 kg
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