Hip Adduction (SS-HAD)
Muscles Used:
Hip Adductors
Sit down with feet on foot pegs so knees are bent 90 degrees. Adjust start position with
range of motion adjustment and slowly move the pads in - pushing with knees - and return.
Hold the handles and slowly move the pads in, pushing with knees. Hold the inward extreme
position briefl. Slowly return to the start position. When finished, pull the lever to release the
weight pads to exit the machine.
Product Dimensions
Size (L x W x H):
in. = 62.6 x 49.8 x 58.1
cm = 159 x 126 x 148
Live Area (L x W x H):
in. = 62.6 x 73.8 x 82.7
cm = 159 x 187 x 210
Machine Weight:
728 lbs.
330 kg
Base Weight Stack:
257.5 lbs. with one 7.5 lb. increment
129 kg with one 3.7 kg increment
Standard Weight Stack:
260 lbs. with two 5 lb. increments
130 kg with two 2.5 kg increments
Heavy Weight Stack:
305 lbs. with two 5 lb. increments
152 kg with two 2.5 kg increments
Maximum User Weight:
300 lbs.
136 kg
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