Assist Dip / Chin (SS-ADC)
Muscles Used:
Assist Dip:
Triceps, Anterior Deltoid, & Pectoralis Major
Assist Chin:
Latissimus Dorsi & Biceps
Assist Dip:
Select weight and step up on footplates. Rotate handles to inner or outer position.
Grip handles and place knees on pad.
Assist Chin:
Select weight and step up on footplates. Grip desired hand position and place
knees on pad.
NOTE: Weight chosen is weight that will be subtracted from body weight when performing
exercise. The more weight selected, the easier the exercise.
Assist Dip:
Lower body with controlled movement, keeping torso upright and shoulders
back. Do not exceed a comfortable range of motion. Push up slowly until elbows are nearly
straight. When finished, bring the knee pad all the way up to bring weight stack to rest.
Carefully step backwards onto steps and back down to floor.
Assist Chin:
Pull body upwards, then return down with a controlled movement. When
finished, bring the knee pad all the way up to bring weight stack to rest. Carefully step
backwards onto steps and back down to floor.
Assist Dip
Assist Chin
Product Dimensions
Size (L x W x H):
in. = 63.8 x 58 x 87
cm = 162 x 147 x 221
Live Area (L x W x H):
in. = 63.8 x 58 x 105
cm = 162 x 147 x 267
Machine Weight:
686 lbs.
311 kg
Base Weight Stack:
167.5 lbs. with one 7.5 lb. increment
84 kg with one 3.7 kg increment
Standard Weight Stack:
170 lbs. with two 5 lb. increments
85 kg with two 2.5 kg increments
Heavy Weight Stack:
200 lbs. with two 5 lb. increments
100 kg with two 2.5 kg increments
Maximum User Weight:
300 lbs.
136 kg
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