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D-620003-0-20 Rev J
{MF47}EH 3 disconnected
Try another port. If no connection, cycle EH power and confirm UL STATUS
LED is green for 90 seconds. Check UL fiber connection(s). Clean fiber con-
nectors and ports on MH and EH. Measure UL optical loss. Use “Clear All Dis-
connect Status” command to clear fault, or physically connect the EH.
{MF48}EH 4 disconnected
Try another port. If no connection, cycle EH power and confirm UL STATUS
LED is green for 90 seconds. Check UL fiber connection(s). Clean fiber con-
nectors and ports on MH and EH. Measure UL optical loss. Use “Clear All Dis-
connect Status” command to clear fault, or physically connect the EH.
Table 9-1
Faults Reported by the Main Hub (continued)