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D-620003-0-20 Rev J
Designing for a Neutral Host System
Similar coverage is achieved by setting the transmit power per carrier of the 800 MHz
systems to 3 dBm per carrier and those of the 1900 MHz systems to 6 dBm per car-
The numbers of RF carriers were selected in order to match subscriber capacity
approximately. Because each protocol in the example supports a different number of
voice channels, the RF carrier numbers also differ. As Table 6-32 indicates, the 800
MHz Cellular and shared 1900 MHz systems can support additional RF carriers with-
out decreasing the power per carrier figures.
For logistical reasons, operators involved in a neutral host system sometimes prefer
not to share equipment with other operators. From technical and economic perspec-
tives, too, this can be a prudent practice in medium to high-capacity installations.
Though deploying parallel systems appears to increase the amount of equipment
needed as well as the system cost, the trade-off between capacity and coverage must
be considered because, in short, as capacity increases, coverage area per RAU
decreases. Therefore, more RAUs (and perhaps Expansion Hubs and Main Hubs) are
needed to cover a given floor space.