Final check
• Flow direction :
- Water should flow from water outlet of the unit to sanitary tank water inlet when sanitary tank
heating is selected.
- To verify the flow direction, check temperature at the water outlet of the unit and water inlet
of sanitary water tank.
- If correctly wired, these temperatures should be almost equivalent if thermal insulation of
water pipe is well performed.
• Noise or water pipe vibration while 3way valve operation
- Due to surging effect or cavitation effect, noise or water pipe vibration can be occurred while
3way valve is operating.
- In that case, check followings :
• Is water circuit (both under floor water loop and sanitary water tank loop) fully charged? If not,
additional water charging is required.
• Fast valve operation yields noise and vibration. Appropriated valve operating time is 60~90
• For correct operation of the unit, all air in the system must be exhausted by manual air-vent.
(located at pump and PHE output)
- It is easy to exhaust air during charging water into the system.
• Also, air can be exhausted by additional automatic air-vent.
(Additional air-vent must be located highest level of water pipe system.)