• During Screed drying operation, button input except for installer function and temperature
display is restricted.
• When the power is applied again after a power outage during product operation, the
product operation state before power failure is remembered and the product is
automatically operated.
• Screed drying operation stops when an error occurs / When error is cleared, restart
cement Screed drying. (However, if the wired remote control is reset to the error
occurrence state, it is compensated in the unit of one day)
• Upon releasing after an error, Screed drying operation may take up to 1 minute of waiting
time after boot up. (The Screed drying operation status is judged as 1 minute cycle.)
• During Screed drying operation, installer function Screed drying operation is selectable.
• During Screed drying operation, starting operation, low noise mode off, low noise time
setting off, hot water off, solar heat off.
• During Screed drying operation, simple, sleep, on, off, weekly, holiday, heater does not
execute reservation operation.
Leaving Water target temperature °C
Pre heating
Heating ready for tiling
Holding time