Installing shut-off valve
• While assembling two shut-off valves, that are found inside ‘AWHP Installation Kit
(AET69364401)’, pop sound will be heard when valve is open or close by rotating handles.
It is normal condition because the sound is due to leakage of charged nitrogen gas inside
the valve. The nitrogen gas is applied to secure quality assurance.
• Before starting water charging, these two shut-off valves should be assembled with
water inlet and outlet pipe of the indoor unit.
Water condensation on the floor
While cooling operation, it is very important to keep leaving water temperature higher than
16°C. Otherwise, dew condensation can be occurred on the floor.
If floor is in humid environment, do not set leaving water temperature below 18 °C.
Water condensation on the radiator
While cooling operation, cold water may not flow to the radiator. If cold water enters to the
radiator, dew generation on the surface of the radiator can be occurred.
Drainage treatment
While cooling operation, condensed dew can drop down to the bottom of the indoor unit. In
this case, prepare drainage treatment (for example, vessel to contain condensed dew) to
avoid water drop.